venerdì, Novembre 22, 2024


Quest’oggi attraverso un post che trovate a questo link: avevo cercato di interpretare le parole dell’ing. Bruno che in un servizio su Numero Uno indicava che la Red Bull potrebbe usare un controllo idraulico sul terzo elemento per controllare l’altezza da terra. Inizialmente, ho dato poco credito a questa notizia, in quanto pensavo si trattasse dello stesso sistema che in Red Bull utilizzavano nella scorsa stagione.

Nella giornata odierna ho sondato il terreno tra gli addetti ai lavori ed ho scoperto che si ipotizza che la Red Bull disponga  di un sistema idraulico che va gestire il beccheggio della monoposto. Questo sistema, dovrebbe funzionare in maniera passiva “raggirando” il regolamento tecnico (art.10.2.2)

10.1 Sprung suspension :
10.1.1 Cars must be fitted with sprung suspension.
10.1.2 The suspension system must be so arranged that its response results only from changes in 
load applied to the wheels.
10.2 Suspension geometry :
10.2.1 With the steering wheel fixed, the position of each wheel centre and the orientation of its 
rotation axis must be completely and uniquely defined by a function of its principally 
vertical suspension travel, save only for the effects of reasonable compliance which does 
not intentionally provide further degrees of freedom.
10.2.2 Any powered device which is capable of altering the configuration or affecting the 
performance of any part of the suspension system is forbidden.
10.2.3 No adjustment may be made to the suspension system while the car is in motion.
10.3 Suspension members :
10.3.1 With the exception of minimal local changes of section for the passage of hydraulic brake 
lines, electrical wiring and wheel tethers or the attachment of flexures, rod ends and spherical 
bearings, the cross-sections of each member of every suspension component, when taken 
normal to a straight line between the inner and outer attachment points, must :
– Intersect the straight line between the inner and outer attachment points.
– Have a major axis no greater than 100mm.
– Have an aspect ratio no greater than 3.5:1.
– Be nominally symmetrical about its major axis.
The major axis will be defined as the largest dimension of any such cross-section.
10.3.2 Suspension members having shared attachment points will be considered by a virtual 
dissection into discrete members.
10.3.3 No major axis of a cross section of a suspension member, when assessed in accordance with 
Article 10.3.1, may subtend an angle greater than 5° to the reference plane when projected 
onto, and normal to, a vertical plane on the car centre line with the car set to the nominal 
design ride height.
10.3.4 Non-structural parts of suspension members are considered bodywork.
10.3.5 There may be no more than six suspension members connecting each suspension upright to 
the fully sprung part of the car.
Redundant suspension members are not permitted.
10.3.6 In order to help prevent a wheel becoming separated in the event of all suspension members 
connecting it to the car failing, flexible tethers each with a cross sectional area greater than 
110mm² must be fitted. The sole purpose of the tethers is to prevent a wheel becoming 
separated from the car, they should perform no other function.
The tethers and their attachments must also be designed in order to help prevent a wheel 
making contact with the driver’s head during an accident.
Each wheel must be fitted with two tethers each of which exceed the requirements of 3.1.1 of 
Test Procedure 03/07.

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